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MBA in Textiles

MBA in Textiles

Objectives: This program aims to prepare the student for challenging technical work and research in equal measure. The program is designed to give students a scientific understanding of different processes and techniques involved in textiles and thus ultimately to support…
  • Duration 2 Year
  • Starts From June 9, 2018

MBA in Fashion Merchandising

Objectives: This course was designed to meet the needs of the retail industry directly and was developed with extensive input from the fashion and retail sectors. [otw_shortcode_content_toggle title="Course Structure" opened="closed" icon_type="general foundicon-folder"][ultimatetables 57 /][/otw_shortcode_content_toggle] The total credit hour for MBA…
  • Duration 2 Year
  • Starts From September 9, 2018

MBA in Apparel Merchandising

Objectives: MBA in Apparel Merchandising is a unique program which is a two- year course designed to provide the students with a sound foundation in the technology and managerial aspects of apparel manufacturing. To acquire MBA degree a student has…
  • Duration 2 Year
  • Starts From September 9, 2018